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Month: July 2014

Won’t You Be My Neighbor – Sermon Text

Preached at Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church
July 27, 2014
Text: Luke 10:25-37
Listen to it HERE

Many of us in this room grew up singing that song. Everyday at the appointed hour we sat down in front of a television and hung out in Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.


I have a vivid, albeit silly, memory of the profound impact Mr. Rogers had on me as a child. One day I tried to feed my goldfish the way he did—by sprinkling the food across the top of the water in the fish tank. A few minutes later, as my mom was changing the water in the fish tank, she explained to me that our fish food container didn’t have a sprinkle lid, like Mr. Rogers did, and the clumps of fish food I had dumped into the water were dangerous for my fish.